Minecraft Modpack

This is a minimal modpack designed to be light on mods while still having plenty of added features and fun from those mods.

See on GitHub
uBuild Blocks Mock-Up

Swap & Switch the Blocks to create sites quickly

Quickly assemble and create custom sites with 16 design blocks for seven different sections.

Customize Blocks to make quick edits throughout your new site

Each block comes with custom Front Matter that can easily be edited in Forestry's UI.

Customize Blocks

16 Fully Responsive Design Blocks

The Design Blocks can be used without Forestry but to harness the power of Blocks we recommend using Forestry. Once the site is imported you can immediately create new sites and make them fully customizable. 👇

All Available Blocks
All Available Blocks

Steps to install with MultiMC

MultiMC is the easiest way to play my pack, as you simply upload a zip file, and as a bonus it's a free and open-source program :)

  1. Download the file from GitHub releases which can be found here

  2. Click on the "Add Instance" button at the top left

  3. Choose the "Import from zip" option and find the location of your zip file

  4. Click "Launch" and enjoy the modpack :)